Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bronco Fever

The energy the kids brought today was awesome.  They were SO excited to share all about what they did during the "Bronco Video" (totally unsolicited by the way).  The Super Bowl was strong enough in their minds that many of them wrote about the game, how they ate food and played with the neighbors or family.  They wrote about players by name even and talked about the gold trophy.  I was happy that I set out writing first so they had the opportunity to share what was on their mind.  Not everyone was in the frenzy but they all had something to share!
 To help with our wiggles we were animals and danced to the Freeze Dance.  Then we got down to business working on our reading.  We were a bit sluggish and less likely to utilize strategies without first asking for an answer the easy way.  We worked through it and had a mini lesson on what strategies we can use when we get to a word we don't know.
This month we will be working on representing numerals with manipulatives.  Today was a free play with the base ten blocks so that we can dive into using them as a useful tool in future lessons.

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